Village Complex It is proposed that this Village be designed to include twenty, 590 ft² three-bedroom homes surrounding a 6,800 ft² school building with classrooms, a bunkbed dormitory for up to 48 students, in three separate rooms, plus a 5,500 ft² secure outdoor play area. Click on the image on the left for a full view.
On the corners of the proposed complex will be three, 1,140 ft² buildings for a school office, storage area with loading dock, retail convenience store plus a 1,350 ft² school kitchen/retail bakery.
The homes will be designed for two adults plus four or more children for a total of at least 120 persons living in the complex. There will be employment for the 40 adult residents staffing the convenience store, retail bakery, school office area, kitchen, classrooms and warehouse. The classrooms will accomodate up to 90 students, perhaps one-third of which will live in the surrounding complex of homes, one-third coming to the school from the nearby slum homes and one-third traveling to the school from more distant slum homes and remaining at the school for a semester at a time.
Construction The three-bedroom homes will be constructed with RCF technology (Removeable Concrete Forms) and will include: bedrooms large enough for full double-size beds, a large bathroom, an open living-room/kitchen area (approximately 20' x 7'), a covered front porch, enclosed (semi-covered) rear entry, and two windows front and back. An exhaust fan will be included in the hallway skylight which will provide outside light to the bedroom area. The roof will be accessible. The 6,800 ft² school building is proposed as a steel stucture with two floor levels. The entire complex including the roads is 225 x 268 feet, on approximately 1.4 acres (.6 hectares).
Purpose It is further proposed that the purpose behind educating the slum children should be shifted from graduating the students from the 5th standard in preparation for acceptance into government schools, to educating the children through a higher standard and 1. include vocational training so as to develop in them marketable skills or 2. prepare them for college enrollment.
Goal of the Village The goal of this initiative is simply to allow as many slum children as possible to escape poverty. "The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'" Matthew 25:40
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